15 Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

August 22, 2023

15 Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Looking to make the most of that often-overlooked space on top of your kitchen cabinets? Our guide is brimming with practical and creative “Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets” that blend style and organization seamlessly. From showcasing cherished decor items to optimizing storage solutions, we delve into a world of possibilities that’ll transform this underutilized area into a captivating design canvas. Discover innovative ways to elevate your kitchen’s aesthetics and curate a visually appealing, organized, and personalized environment that leaves a lasting impression.

Elevate your kitchen’s aesthetics and maximize its potential with these top-of-cabinet decor ideas.

1. Use Bold or Dark Paint

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Considering a bold or dark paint choice for the top of your kitchen cabinets. This often-overlooked space provides an excellent opportunity to introduce personality and style to your kitchen. Opting for a deep, contrasting hue or a bold shade that complements your kitchen’s color scheme can create a captivating focal point.

This practical solution not only adds visual interest but also maximizes your kitchen’s design potential by utilizing every inch of space. By choosing the right paint color, you can transform your kitchen’s atmosphere and elevate its overall aesthetics effortlessly.

2. Call on the Right Lighting

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Incorporating lighting to enhance the visual appeal of the top of your kitchen cabinets. Strategically placed lights can transform this often-neglected space into a captivating showcase. Consider installing LED strip lights to provide gentle illumination that highlights decorative items or adds a warm ambiance.

This practical solution not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings attention to your kitchen’s architecture. By creatively using lighting, you infuse personality into your kitchen and create a dynamic atmosphere that turns the top of your cabinets into an inspiring canvas for design.

3. Art Gallery

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Apartment Therapy

Transforming the top of your kitchen cabinets into an art gallery-style display. This ingenious approach allows you to showcase your cherished pieces while optimizing the often-underused space. Arrange a collection of art, framed photos, or decorative objects with varying heights to create an engaging visual composition.

By thoughtfully selecting and arranging items, you elevate your kitchen’s aesthetics and personalize the space with a touch of your unique style. This practical decor solution not only adds charm but also transforms the top of your cabinets into a design statement that beautifully complements your kitchen’s overall ambiance.

4. Add a Little Green

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Introducing a touch of nature by incorporating plants and greenery to decorate the top of your kitchen cabinets. This clever strategy not only brings life to the often-overlooked space but also enhances the overall ambiance of your kitchen. Choose low-maintenance indoor plants that thrive in indirect light, and place them strategically to create an enchanting visual impact.

This practical decor solution not only adds a vibrant pop of color but also elevates the design of your kitchen while fostering a sense of tranquility and connection to nature.

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5. Bar Storage

Considering bar storage as a practical and stylish solution for decorating the top of your kitchen cabinets. This clever approach maximizes vertical space while adding a functional element to your kitchen design. Install sturdy hooks or rails to hang items like mugs, utensils, or even pots and pans. This strategic arrangement not only optimizes storage but also transforms the top of your cabinets into an organized display.

This practical decor solution seamlessly merges form and function, creating a dynamic visual appeal while efficiently utilizing the often-unused space.t, such as gloves, scarves, or other accessories. The floating design keeps the floor clear and prevents the entryway from feeling cluttered

6. Add More Cabinets

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Exploring the option of adding extra cabinets to enhance both storage and aesthetics when decorating the top of your kitchen cabinets. This functional approach not only addresses storage needs but also offers an opportunity to elevate your kitchen’s design. Choose cabinets with glass doors to showcase your cherished items or opt for closed cabinets to keep things neatly concealed.

By thoughtfully incorporating more cabinets, you transform the top space into an organized and visually appealing area that seamlessly integrates practicality with style.

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7. Store Books

Using the space on top of your kitchen cabinets to store books, adds a touch of intellect to your kitchen decor. Arranging a collection of cookbooks, recipe binders, or even novels can infuse personality into your culinary haven. Choose decorative bookends that align with your kitchen’s aesthetics and keep your chosen volumes accessible yet organized.

This innovative approach not only elevates the visual appeal of your kitchen but also brings a practical touch, ensuring that your favorite reads are always within reach while creating a harmonious blend of function and design.

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8. Wallpaper decoration 

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Hadleycourt

Considering wallpaper decoration as a creative solution for enhancing the top of your kitchen cabinets. Wallpaper offers endless design possibilities, from subtle textures to bold patterns that match your kitchen’s style. By applying wallpaper to this often-overlooked space, you instantly introduce visual interest and personality.

Opt for washable or vinyl wallpapers for easy maintenance. This practical decor approach not only transforms the top of your cabinets into a focal point but also empowers you to curate a kitchen design that’s as unique as it is stylish.

9. Curtains Above Cabinets

Exploring the idea of adding curtains above your kitchen cabinets to achieve a unique and sophisticated decor. This creative approach not only softens the overall look of your kitchen but also allows you to introduce colors or patterns that complement your design theme. Opt for lightweight and washable materials to ensure easy maintenance.

By thoughtfully incorporating curtains, you infuse an element of luxury and visual intrigue into the often-neglected space above your cabinets. This practical decor solution merges form and function, transforming your kitchen into a personalized haven of style and elegance.

10. Move Your Cabinet up to The Ceiling

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Considering the innovative idea of raising your kitchen cabinets up to the ceiling for a unique decorating solution. This practical approach not only maximizes storage but also provides an opportunity to add decor to the top of your cabinets. Use this additional space to display decorative items, artwork, or plants.

By thoughtfully elevating your cabinets, you create an eye-catching visual impact and turn an underutilized area into a canvas for personal expression. This strategy harmoniously merges functionality and style, allowing you to transform your kitchen into a captivating and functional workspace.

11. Put Decorative Items

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Studio Jade Arnold

Utilizing the top of your kitchen cabinets as a prime spot for displaying decorative items. This creative approach transforms often-overlooked space into an opportunity for personal expression. Choose items that align with your kitchen’s style, such as pottery, figurines, or artwork. Varying the heights and textures of these items creates visual interest.

This practical decor solution not only adds charm but also elevates your kitchen’s overall design, showcasing your unique taste and attention to detail. By thoughtfully placing decorative items, you create a harmonious blend of decor and functionality that beautifully enhances your kitchen’s ambiance.

12. Place Baskets

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Facebook Group

Considering the placement of baskets on top of your kitchen cabinets as a strategic decor solution. These versatile containers not only add a touch of texture but also serve as functional storage for items that are rarely used. Opt for baskets that match your kitchen’s aesthetics and choose sizes that fit the space well.

Storing less frequently used items in these baskets keeps them accessible while maintaining a clutter-free environment. By thoughtfully incorporating baskets, you merge practicality with design, transforming the top of your cabinets into an organized and visually appealing area that seamlessly blends functionality and style.

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13. Get Festive decoration

Embracing the festive season by decorating the top of your kitchen cabinets with holiday-themed decor. This creative approach infuses a touch of celebration and joy into your kitchen. Choose decorations that match the occasion, such as colorful ornaments, twinkling lights, or seasonal figurines.

This practical decor solution not only spreads holiday cheer but also transforms the top of your cabinets into a focal point of seasonal aesthetics. By thoughtfully adding festive decorations, you create an ambiance that reflects the spirit of the occasion and brings a sense of warmth and togetherness to your kitchen environment.

14. Convert Cabinets to Open Shelving

Ideas for decorating the top of kitchen cabinets

Pic: Unsplash

Considering the creative idea of converting the top of your kitchen cabinets into open shelving for a stylish decor solution. This approach not only transforms your cabinets but also provides a functional display area for your favorite items. Remove the cabinet doors and organize your chosen pieces on the shelves – from decorative plates to cookbooks or art pieces.

This practical decor solution not only adds character but also seamlessly integrates style and storage. By thoughtfully converting cabinets into open shelving, you create a personalized focal point that beautifully elevates your kitchen’s aesthetics and showcases your unique design sensibilities.

15. Crown Modeling

Considering crown molding as a sophisticated decor solution for the top of your kitchen cabinets. This architectural detail adds a touch of elegance by seamlessly connecting your cabinets to the ceiling. Choose a molding that complements your kitchen’s style – from simple and sleek to intricate designs.

This practical decor approach not only enhances visual appeal but also brings a sense of cohesion and refinement to your kitchen design. By thoughtfully incorporating crown molding, you create a polished and cohesive look that beautifully elevates your kitchen’s ambiance while showcasing your attention to detail and design aesthetics.


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Joyce created her blog, "The Organized Life," with the aim of sharing her knowledge about home organization and storage, decluttering, smart home solutions, and more. All of her advice is based on years of her own experience in organizing her own home and feedback from satisfied readers about her tips. If you want to know more about the author and her journey, please read the About Me page.

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