Homemade Floor cleaners for Mopping

Homemade Floor Cleaners for Mopping

Are you tired of using store-bought chemical-laden cleaners that can be harsh on your floors and harmful to your family’s health? Discover the power of natural ingredients with these 4 simple and effective homemade floor cleaner solutions. Not only are they gentle on your floors, but they’re also budget-friendly and easy to make.

So, let’s get mopping and enjoy the satisfaction of a sparkling clean home!

a. What You’ll Need

  • Bucket
  • Spray bottle
  • Microfiber mop or traditional mop
  • Soft mop or microfiber mop (for specific methods)

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Scented oils or lemon juice
  • Dish soap
  • Green tea bags
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Baking soda
  • Window Cleaner

1. Homemade floor Cleaner: Green Tea Infusion

Unlock the hidden cleaning power of green tea and discover a natural and eco-friendly way to mop your floors. Embrace the goodness of this ancient remedy as a homemade floor cleaner to enjoy spotless and fresh-smelling floors without any harsh chemicals.


  • Steep 2 green tea bags in 4 cups of hot water for 5 minutes.
  • In a bucket, mix the brewed green tea with 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol.
  • Stir gently to ensure all ingredients blend well for effective cleaning.
  • Dip your mop into the solution, wring out excess liquid, and start mopping your floors.


Before using the green tea-infused mop cleaner on hardwood floors or other delicate surfaces, perform a spot test to ensure compatibility.

Green tea as Homemade Floor Cleaners

Photo: Unsplash

2. Window Cleaner as a homemade floor cleaner

Who knew that window cleaner could double as an excellent homemade floor cleaner? Embrace the versatility of this solution to achieve spotless floors without harsh chemicals. Discover the simplicity of using window cleaner for mopping, and enjoy a streak-free clean throughout your home.


  • Fill a bucket with water, enough to cover the area you plan to mop.
  • Add the appropriate amount of window cleaner to the water, following the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct ratio.
  • Gently stir the mixture to ensure the window cleaner blends evenly with the water.
  • Dip your mop into the solution, wring out excess liquid, and start mopping your floors.
  • As you mop, notice how the window cleaner effectively lifts dirt and grime, leaving your floors sparkling clean and streak-free.


Always use a window cleaner that is free from harsh chemicals or ammonia to avoid damaging your floors.

3. Homemade floor Cleaner: Vinegar Marvel

Vinegar, a natural wonder, is not only great for cooking but also a fantastic homemade floor cleaner. Embrace the power of this simple yet effective solution to achieve sparkling floors without any harmful chemicals. Discover the art of green cleaning and enjoy a fresh and healthy home with vinegar as your trusted cleaning companion.


  • In a bucket, mix 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar with 1 gallon of warm water.
  • Gently stir the solution to ensure the vinegar and water blend well.
  • Dip your mop into the vinegar solution, wring out excess liquid, and start mopping your floors.
  • Notice how vinegar’s natural acidity effectively removes dirt, grime, and stains, leaving your floors pristine and fresh.
  • As you mop, the vinegar’s scent may be noticeable but fear not, it will quickly fade away as the solution dries, leaving behind only a sparkling clean floor.

homemade floor cleaner- Vinegar

Photo: Pinterest

4. Lemon as a homemade Floor Cleaner

As a home expert, I encourage you to harness the invigorating properties of lemons for your cleaning routine. Their natural prowess effortlessly cuts through grime and dirt, ensuring your floors shine like never before.


  • Mix 2 cups of white vinegar and 2 cups of water in a bucket.
  • Add 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil and 1 tablespoon of dish soap.
  • Gently stir the solution to combine all the ingredients.
  • Dip your mop into the solution, wring out excess liquid, and mop your floors as usual.


Avoid using this solution on colored or dyed flooring, as lemon juice may have a bleaching effect.

How do you make homemade floor cleaner

Photo: Unsplash

b. FAQ’S

1- How do you deep clean the mop floor?

Prepare a powerful homemade floor solution, such as vinegar and water or lemon-infused freshness, harnessing the magic of natural agents. Give your mop a thorough rinse to remove any lingering debris or dirt from previous use. As you mop, make sure to cover every nook and cranny, paying special attention to high-traffic areas and pesky stains. Once you’ve finished mopping, let your floor air dry completely, revealing its natural shine.

2- Should you let your mopped floors air dry or wipe them down?

Depends on the type of flooring you have and your personal preference. For hard surfaces like tile, linoleum, or laminate, you can let them air dry after mopping as long as excess water isn’t left sitting for too long. On the other hand, if you have hardwood or other delicate flooring, it’s best to give them a gentle wipe down with a dry or slightly damp mop to prevent any potential damage from excessive moisture. Ultimately, the key is to ensure your floors are clean and dry to maintain their shine and longevity.

2-Do these cleaners Work With Mopping Robots?

Absolutely! These homemade mop cleaners can work wonders with mopping robots. Simply pour the homemade floor cleaner into the mopping robot’s designated water tank, and let it work its magic while you sit back and relax.

Read Next: The 10 Best Hardwood Floor Mops of 2023

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Joyce created her blog, "The Organized Life," with the aim of sharing her knowledge about home organization and storage, decluttering, smart home solutions, and more. All of her advice is based on years of her own experience in organizing her own home and feedback from satisfied readers about her tips. If you want to know more about the author and her journey, please read the About Me page.

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